Talk on Monarch Butterflies
In February 2024, dear old friends Emily Wrubel and Judy Fink took the trip of a lifetime to the Mariposa Monarcha Biosphere Reserve in Angangueo, Mexico, where our eastern monarch butterflies journey to spend the winter.
Several years ago, Judy, a Dummerston resident and monarch butterfly enthusiast, planted swamp milkweed in her kitchen garden, which that summer attracted scores of monarchs. They deposited their tiny eggs on the plants’ leaves and flowers. The emerging caterpillars devoured all but the branches, formed jewel-like chrysalides on chairs, eaves and hoses, and then metamorphosized into splendid adult butterflies. Those very butterflies – the super migrators - embarked on an epic southward journey to Mexico. The following two summers, in partnership with the Dummerston Conservation Commission, Judy invited community members to participate in a local monarch project. For two summers, an enthusiastic group planted swamp milkweed in their gardens and monitored the health of the monarch population. In the meantime, Emily, who lives in Hillsboro, NH, planted her own pollinator garden, and included swamp milkweed plants that Judy had given her. She also participated in a butterfly banding project at the Harris Center in Hancock, NH. When the opportunity came to travel to Angangueo, how could we refuse?
Come join us on our monarch journey, as we recount our adventures here at home and as we travel three thousand miles and 11,000 feet in elevation to stand among the millions of wintering monarchs in Mexico. We will share our photos, videos, stories, give you a glimpse of what we’ve learned about the amazing monarch life cycle, and let you know how you can get involved in conserving this fragile species.

Hiking Trail Construction & Layout with Roger Haydock
At 7pm on Thursday, February 15, at the Community Center in West Dummerston, Roger Haydock will present a talk and slide show on hiking trail layout and construction. Over 30 plus years, Roger Haydock has constructed more than 20 trails in the local area for the Windham Hill Pinnacle Association, Putney Mountain Association, the Nature Conservancy, and the Deer Run Nature Preserve.
He will share his methods, approaches, goals and lessons.
All are welcome. If possible, a suggested donation is $5, which will be split equally between the Dummerston Community Center and the Dummerston Conservation Commission.

Wonder and Awe in the Natural World
Come join us for a talk with Matthew Boulton on Thursday, January 18th, at 7pm at the Community Center!
In this interactive talk, we'll explore the role of wonder and amazement - from the astonishing size of the universe to the tiny marvels of ice and snow - in our personal and communal lives, including the work of conservation. And along the way, we'll examine recent scientific research on the life-giving power of awe, and some ways we can incorporate more of it into our everyday routines. To get an idea of Matthew’s work, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0uwFOehklk
Matthew Myer Boulton is a writer and Emmy-winning filmmaker based in Keene, New Hampshire. He has served on the faculty of Harvard Divinity School, and is currently at work on a book exploring the wonders of the Connecticut River valley.

“Peecycling” Talk with Julia Cavicchi of the Rich Earth Institute
Join us for a talk with Julia Cavicchi of the Rich Earth Institute at the Dummerston Community Center on Thursday, November 30 at 6pm. Learn about reclaiming urine as an agricultural resource!

The Good, the Bad, and the Incredible World of Bats
Join Ceacy Henderson, a wildlife rehabilitator and principal of the Colrain Center for Conservation and Wildlife.
Share Ceacy’s passion for these often-misunderstood animals, accompanied by breathtaking photographs by Merlin Tuttle. No, they’re not “flying mice”! Ceacy will explore the incredible diversity of bats and their various adaptations and lifestyles, and then focus on bats you’re likely to see in your backyard here in New England. You will learn about bats’ significance in various ecosystems and the many fascinating aspects of bat physiology that scientists around the world are studying to understand bats and their unique relationship to viruses. Have a closer look into some of the most unique mammals on the planet. Children will love this one!
Donations are encouraged but not mandatory, and will go to support the Dummerston Conservation Commission and Dummerston Community Center.

Conservation Commission Potluck
Conservation Commission potluck for all current and local conservation commission members or potential interested members.

Vermont Land Trust lead forester Pieter Van Loon
Pieter will discuss his work over the past 23 years helping owners of conserved land care for their land. This will be a open and interactive conversation about such issues as rogue ATV use, invasive insects and plants, managing forests for carbon, overabundance of deer, promoting old forest characteristics in second growth forests and any other issues you may have an interest in. Bring Pieter your questions about managing your own land!
Suggested donation is $5, which is split equally between the Community Center and Dummerston Conservation Commission.

Bird Rehabilitation with Wildlife Rehabilitator Fred Homer and veterinarian Ron Svec
Wildlife Rehabilitator Fred Homer and veterinarian Ron Svec will present a slide show and talk about their work, their experiences, and their friendship over the years as a team to provide care to many species of injured or orphaned birds, especially the many species of birds of prey they have helped. They will discuss their work together and individually for providing the necessary care, treatments and surgery needed to release these birds back into the wild. A question-and-answer period will follow.

“Reserve Forestland” A New Current Use Category
The Conservation Commission is thrilled to welcome in the New Year with a visit from Sam Schneski, Windham County Forester. On February 1, 2023, 6:00PM, at the Dummerston Community Center, Sam will give us the full story on a new land use category called “Reserve Forestland.”