The following natural communities can be found in Dummerston.
Upland Natural Communities
Northern Hardwood Forest Formation: Forests of Widespread Distribution in Vermont’s Moderate Climate Areas
1. Northern Hardwood Forest
a. Variant: Beech-Red Maple-Hemlock
b. Variant: Sugar Maple-White Ash-Jack-in-the-pulpit
c. Variant: White Pine-Northern Hardwood Forest
2. Rich Northern Hardwood Forest
3. Mesic Red Oak-Northern Hardwood Forest
4. Hemlock Forest
5. Hemlock-Northern Hardwood Forest
a. Variant: Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hardwood Forest
Oak-Pine-Northern Hardwood Forest Formation: Forests of Vermont’s Warmer Climate Areas
6. Red Pine Forest or Woodland
7. Pitch Pine-Oak-Heath Rocky Summit
8. Dry Oak Forest
9. Dry Oak-Hickory-Hophornbeam Forest
10. White Pine-Red Oak-Black Oak Forest
11. Transition Hardwood Talus Woodland
Open Upland Communities
Upland Shores
12. Riverside Outcrop
Outcrops and Upland Meadows
13. Temperate Acidic Outcrop
Cliffs and Talus
14. Temperate Acidic Cliff
15. Open Talus
Wetland Natural Communities
Floodplain Forests
16. Silver Maple-Ostrich Fern Riverine Floodplain Forest
17. Sugar Maple-Ostrich Fern Riverine Floodplain Forest
Hardwood Swamps
18. Red Maple-Black Ash Swamp
Softwood Swamps
18. Hemlock Swamp
a) Variant: Hemlock-Hardwood Swamp
Seeps and Vernal Pools
19. Seep
20. Vernal Pool
Marshes and Sedge Meadows
21. Shallow Emergent Marsh
22. Cattail Marsh
Wet Shores
23. River Mud Shore
24. River Sand or Gravel Shore
25. River Cobble Shore
26. Rivershore Grassland
Shrub Swamps
27. Alluvial Shrub Swamp
28. Alder Swamp