Covered Bridge Stone Steps Project
Improving river access, parking and run-off at the Covered Bridge in W. Dummerston
The Dummerston Conservation Commission successfully completed the “Steps Project” during the summer and fall of 2005. With support from the Connecticut River Joint Commission and volunteers from the Dummerston community we replaced a badly eroded trail with attractive limestone steps that lead to a popular swimming hole. The steps were put to use as soon as they were finished, with swimmers-to-be remarking how much more pleasant and safer it was to walk down the steps rather than the rooted eroded trail. The parking area has been resurfaced as a result of a cooperative venture between VTrans and the Dummerston road crew so that rainwater now drains away from the steps and into a proper drainage system. In addition to the steps, we planted grass seed along the eroded bank and then covered it with erosion blankets; hopefully grass will take root next spring.